Assorted blossom and wild flowers have been blooming in spectacular fashion this spring, cheering us up and lifting spirits during these stressful times.

Now we can welcome another blossom tree, namely the hawthorn or may. However , the flowers are much less attractive to insects compared with the blackthorn.

Then Britain's favourite wild flower the bluebell is about to carpet woodlands. I'm writing about our native deep blue pendulous bluebell, not the invasive straight stemmed pale Spanish variety which flowers first.

Sitting quietly in a bluebell wood on a sunny day as sunlight filters through the partly opened tree canopy above provides a tranquil atmosphere, surrounded by the aroma of the blue and occasional white and pink flowers.

If we are fortunate, brimstone (pictured) and dainty orange tip butterflies will flutter in to imbibe nectar from the nodding bells, occasionally joined by small white butterflies.

Meanwhile we can hear birdsong with chiff-chaff, blackcap, chaffinch and blackbird joining in the chorus.

Sometimes a great spotted woodpecker drums on a hollow bough proclaiming his territory and advertising for mates.

Unfortunately these days birdsong may be spoilt by a flock of yelping rose-ringed parakeets disturbing the peace, not a welcome sound, however, we must make the most of the bluebells while they last before the woodland canopy closes in and restricts the light at ground level.

The only component sadly missing in this magical setting is the call of a cuckoo.